Ready to try something new in your relationship?
Couples yoga (partner yoga) offers a fun way to connect with your partner while also getting some beneficial physical movement in.
While yogis have been practicing yoga as a singles activity for thousands of years, including your partner into the mix can not only deepen your own practice, but it can also strengthen your bond with one another.
15 Benefits of Couples Yoga:
Inviting your partner to join your yoga practice is a great way to ensure you’re both tending to your health and wellness, especially during the Covid Pandemic.
You might not be able to attend an in-person yoga class at your favorite studio, but that’s an excellent opportunity for you to deepen your home practice.
You can learn to cultivate mindfulness and awareness with your significant other by practicing together.
Here’s are 15 mental, emotional, physical, and even spiritual benefits of adopting a regular couples yoga practice:
- Lowered stress and anxiety levels
- More balanced moods
- Increased mindful awareness
- Increased body perception and intelligence
- Strengthened intuition
- Reduced irritability
- Improved sleep
- Lowered blood pressure
- Increased heart rate variability
- Less low back pain
- Decreased inflammation
- Hormonal balance
- Healthy nervous system function
- Increased gratitude and meaning for your experience
- Increased inner peace
7 Couples Yoga Poses:
The following seven partner yoga poses can be a fun and challenging way to spent quality time together.
1. Back-to-back Breathing
Sit up, in a seated position in the opposite direction of your partner.
Use each others’ backs as support.
Cross your legs as much as is comfortable.
Feel free to place your fingers in a mudra form like above or simply rest your hands palms facing down on your knees.
Close your eyes and begin to breathe together.
Noticing your natural breathing pattern as well as your partners.
Have one partner inhale for five counts while at the same time the other partner exhales for five counts.
Switch directions for a few more rounds.
2. Supported Seated Forward Fold
In this pose, one partner is the activator and the other partner is the supporter.
The activator should sit upright with their legs fully stretched in front of them.
Allow the supporting partner to gently press down on your mid to upper back so you go deeper into your seated forward fold.
Take 3-5 slow, deep Ujjayi breaths here as you hold the pose.
This is a great stretch for your hamstrings, lower back, and lower body.
Switch with your partner.
3. Supported Chair Pose
This is a fun, challenging pose that requires full presence and trust.
The supporting partner will lay down on the mat with a straight back.
Place the soles of your feet on the supporting partner’s hands for support as you sit your glutes on the bottoms of their feet.
Allow your partner to slowly lift you up.
Take 3-5 deep breaths here with your arms overhead, palms touching together.
Switch positions after a few minutes.
4. Downward Dog
Partner A will assume a downward dog position by placing their feet hips-width apart and forming a V with the body.
Palms are placed flat on the floor in front of you, also hips-width apart.
Press the ground away from you and relax your neck and shoulders.
Once Partner A is stable, Partner B can place their palms flat on the mat, hips-width apart and slowly bring one foot at a time to gently rest on Partner A’s lower back.
Be sure to place both feet on the lower back and not the upper back as this can injure, destabilize, or strain Partner A’s stance.
Both partners can take 5-7 slow, deep breaths in this position.
Breathing together in unison is a great way to cultivate mindfulness together.
5. Tree Pose
This balancing pose is a great one for couples to practice using each other as support and mirroring each other to the external world.
Both partners stand side by side and interlock arms in the back.
Using their free arms, bring palms together, facing each other.
One partner’s left hand touching the other partner’s right hand.
Once both of you are stabilized you can bring your feet to rest upon your inner thighs.
Partner A’s right foot will rest on the thigh, and partner B’s left knee will be raised.
You may keep your eyes open or closed for an added extra challenge.
Breathe together for a few minutes before coming out of the pose.
6. Child’s Pose
This is perhaps one of the most soothing and comfortable positions in yoga.
Partner A will kneel on the floor with knees hip-width apart.
Lower your torso to the floor with your arms outstretched in front of you.
Bring your forehead to the ground.
Partner B will place one hand with palms facing down on the lower back and sacrum area, and the other hand on the upper back.
Gently but firmly press both hands down while Partner A takes 5-7 long, slow, deep breaths.
Switch sides.
7. Camel Pose
Partner A kneels with thighs perpendicular to the floor.
Knees and legs are hip-width apart.
Press your feet onto the floor and slowly lean back until your hands touch your heels.
This pose is an effective opener of the front upper body.
Partner B will stand behind Partner A.
For an added challenge Partner B can advance the standing position by lifting one leg to form Dancer pose.
Extra points for kissing while holding these poses.
End your yoga session with Savasana, Corpse Pose.
Both partners will lie flat on their backs next to each other.
Legs and arms stretched out slightly with relaxed shoulders and neck.
Take your partner’s hand and breath together.
Hold hands for 5-7 minutes.
Additional notes:
Many couples opt for cardio sessions and adding the following yoga poses before or after your runs together can help you both stretch out and cool down or warm-up.
Also, consider an acroyoga class for added challenge and fun.
Be sure to learn from an experienced yoga instructor as many of the poses require support and balance.
It’s always a good idea to seek the individual instruction of a certified yoga teacher to ensure safety and proper form.